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The philosopher Emerson wrote: « Self-confidence is the first secret of success ».

Self-confidence is feeling capable of meeting future challenges. It refers to an inner conviction and virtual certainty that you will be able to handle present and future situations. You can then move forwards without being too fearful, seize opportunities and take risks. Not only do you feel capable of success, but also you know that you can bounce back in the event of failure.

How to grow in confidence ?

  1. 1-Learning self-awareness

By having good self-awareness, you can set yourself appropriate standards and avoid failure as a result. This also helps to identify your strengths and resources, so that you can build on them to succeed and flourish. Ask for feedback from people who know you, to help you identify your strengths and qualities, on which you can rely with confidence.

2- Review your self-talk

Stop focusing on your faults and ignoring your qualities. Identify those aspects of your self-talk that undermine your self-confidence, replace these thoughts with a more objective message based on your strengths, and develop a more considerate and motivating self-image.

  1. Help others

Offer to help your colleagues and mentor a new recruit. Share your experience and your knowledge of the business or profession. Gaining a better understanding of everything you know and can share will boost your confidence. What’s more, the recognition of others helps to improve self-confidence.

4- Set yourself challenges

By pushing yourself to achieve them, you will boost your confidence. Start with small challenges and then gradually build up to bigger ones.

5- Give yourself the right to make mistakes

We all make mistakes and they can take a toll on your level of confidence. It is crucial to learn from your mistakes in order to improve.

6- Celebrate your successes

Write down your small and big successes in a journal for example – they are much more easily forgotten than your failures – and return to your journal when you need a bit of a boost. Don’t forget to celebrate your successes by giving yourself time to reflect, go on an outing, etc.

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